Voon Fei's Blog

Creativeness Unleashed...

How to kill an animal 'fresh'?

Have you ever thought of the how butcher get their meat freshly? I'm speaking this in terms of science, biology....

Form 4 Biology, Chapter 7, Respiration. All living things do respiration, animals, plants, humans...There's two type of respiration for humans and plants. They are aerobic and anaerobic. Not going to detail, aerobic is with oxygen, anaerobic is with very very limited oxygen or even no oxygen. Usually when people having vigorous exercise will have anaerobic respiration. What will happen when you are having anaerobic respiration is that you will produce lactic acid and energy (150kJ) instead of carbon dioxide, water and energy (2898kJ).

This lactic acid is no good to our body, it will make us feel tired. Same goes to animal, cow, horse, chicken, and so on. In order to get their meat fresh, their body must not contain lactic acid. So, to get rid of lactic acid, they must not suffer from pain. You might ask, how to kill them if they must not suffer from pain? Very simple, the answer is, One-hit K.O. It sounds really simple but how to do that, we have no superhuman ability. Well, that's not a problem now, we have advanced technology.

Firstly, we let the animals enjoy some romantic music instead of rock music. Just make them feel calm, never make them feel scared. Then, slowly lure them to the killing spot. By using high current electrical shock, the animal should be dead with one-hit. Knock out! That's it, the butcher will now collect them fresh.


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